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April 11, 2007:
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April  11, 2007:
The material about Uspensky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin is added

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Museums and monuments of culture of Moscow

Plots of painting of the Uspensky Cathedral

Роспись над северным порталом Успенского Собора

In 1481 confessor Ivan III Rostov archbishop Vasilian the Snout invites for a list of a temple of known Russian artist Dionisija with artel. Walls and the arches of an altar are decorated with frescos which send in addition up to now only fragmentary  

Интерьер Успенского Собора

In altarnaja of a part some plots were kept: « Worship of volhvy », « the Praise of the mother of god », « John Predtechi's Christmas », « Forty sevastijskih of martyrs » and some stages from a life of apostle Peter.

фрагмент росписи преграды - 1481 г - Парфений Лампсакийский и Иоанн ЛествичникIn the central part of a cathedral on a wall separating an altar from a place for praying, you can see a floor of a figure Saint (sacred and eremites), this wall long time has been closed by oak boards icons local of some, but during restoration of a cathedral in 50 years XX of century the part of figures has been opened for a review. 

Among them Alexey Cheloveka Bozhego (the first at the left) is allocated.

Алексей Человек Божий. Фреска алтарной преграды - 1481 гThe frescos executed in the end XV – the beginning of XVI century, decorated a cathedral up to 40 goals of XVII century. In due course they have lost the initial shape and under the decree of tsar Michael Romanov in 1642 to Moscow artists from Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Suzdal, Novgorod, Kostroma and others have been caused.

In capital has gathered about 150 masters who should decorate a cathedral with new frescos. Known imperial icon painter Ivan Paisein supervised over works. Assume, that old frescos have been brought down not at once, and preliminary copied and at performance of a new list artists adhered to former plots, having new figures on those sites of walls where were old earlier. In conformity with tastes of that time a background covered with gilding. By 1644 work has been finished. However and this list repeatedly was exposed to restoration and thus it has appeared is hidden under later stratifications.

In the central dome of a cathedral Christ Vsederzhitel, in southwest - Savaof (God-father) is represented, and in northwest - Has rescueed not Man-made. Other two domes are located above altarnoj a part of a temple and are not visible to visitors - in them are represented the Mother of god "Sign" and Has rescueed Emmanuil (the Christ - the adolescent). In piers between windows forefathers, prophets, angels and under them - apostles are represented.
On the arches of a cathedral evangelical plots are written some. ("Christmas", « Revival of Lazarja », «Sretenie», « Soshestvie in a hell », « Rise of the Christ »).

As the cathedral has been devoted to the Mother of god which cult in Russia has been especially developed, the significant place in a list is allocated to its eulogy. On all walls of a cathedral you can see stages from Maria's life both Anna's its parents and Ioakima – they borrow on them the third (from above) a circle. The circle below places eighteen compositions on themes of Akafist.

Under these stages on the right and left walls plots of historical character are represented: eight Universal cathedrals – congresses of representatives of the maximum clergy of the Christian church, passed in IV-VII centuries in Byzantium.

Святые Воины. Фрагмент росписи столпа Успенского Собора. XVII векOpposite to an iconostasis on a wall the developed picture of Terrible court is written. In the top part of a wall (above an average window) in the form of свиваемого angels of a roll of light blue color the sky that symbolizes here the end of the world is represented. Under a roll – the Christ sitting on a throne (Supreme судия the world), near to it _ the Mother of god and John Predtecha; коленопреклоненные figures at legs of the Christ – Adam and Eve. 

Святые воины Георгий и Андрей Стратилат. Фрагмент росписи столпа Успенского Собора. XVII век
On the right and to the left of the main characters apostles with books in hands and angels are placed. Below – figures of the Savior are represented весы and a throne. And at the very bottom – paradise and a hell. Green rings on the image the snake symbolize defects of people.

On pillars in the central part of a cathedral, are written by circles of a figure of sacred martyrs and the soldiers who have undergone persecutions for belief in the first centuries of our era before the christianity became the state religion of Roman empire.

Icons of the Uspensky Cathedral

Monuments of an applied art of the Uspensky Cathedral

The plan of Moscow Kremlin

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