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History of Russia

Heads of the state

Vladimir II Monomah (1053-1125)

VLADIMIR II Monomah (1053-1125), prince Smolensk (with 1067), Chernigov (with 1078), Pereyaslavl (with 1093), grand duke Kiev (with 1113). Son of Vsevolod 1 and daughters of the Byzantian emperor Konstantin Monomah. He was called by the Kiev boyars during revolt. He struggled against princely civil wars. Has developed the charter limited an arbitrariness of usurers. In "Lecture" called sons to strengthen unity of Russia.

Vladimir-Vasily Vsevolodovich, (1053-1125) a nicknamed Monomah,
Grand duke Kiev, son of Vsevolod Jaroslavich - most remarkable of Russian princes till the Mongolian period, left after himself loud glory and kind memory. Vladimir was born in 1053. When Svjatoslav of Chernigov has taken away Kiev from Izjaslav and,  Vsevolod was going to Chernigov, and the son his  Vladimir - to Smolensk (1067 - 68) . Vladimir served also Svjatoslav and again borrowed Kiev of Izjaslav, as to the oldest dukes: on behalf of the first he helped (1075) Poles against German emperor Henry IV; on an order of the second he went on Polotsk princes (1077) twice. When the father of his  Vsevolod was duke in Kiev, the Monomah was duke at Chernigov. In  1079 Oleg Svjatoslavich, together with his brother Roman and polotsk, wished to try to expel the Monomove from Chernigov, but it was not possible to them: Vladimir has remained to Chernigov, owning at the same time and Smolensk. He had to struggle with dukes of Polotsk, with half-civilized vatich, with polotsk and torks, with dukes-derelicts Rostislaviches; the last he under the order of the father, has expelled from the Vladimir-Volynsk area and give it to Izjaslav -  son of Jaropolk (1084) and when Izjslav was guilty of something against Vsevolod - David Igorevich. Soon, however, Vladimir has reconciled Yaropolk to the father and he  again  give  Vladimir (1086) him. Other Izjaslavich, Svjatopolk, in 1088 Has voluntary left Novgorod, and Vladimir give it to himself  son Mstislav.

In 1093 Vsevolod has died. Vladimir did not wish to take advantage of the position and to borrow Kiev: He has invited to a grand-ducal table reigned then in Rounds of the cousin of Svjatopolk of Izjaslavich which was more senior than him and Svytopolk was the son of Jaroslav. Almost all time of reigning of Svjatopolk Vladimir was his true ally. When, in a year of your acceptance of authority, Svjatopolk has undertaken a campaign against polotsk, Vladimir has joined it with himself army. On the militarian advice nearby the river Stugna on which Vladimir stood up for the world, but Russian armies send Stugna. On May, 20th there was a fight. Polotsk all over again have rushed on Svjatopolk and have crumpled him, have then struck on Vladimir and its brother Rostislav. Russian have not sustained an impact and have run. At a ferry through Stugna of Rostislav has sunk; trying to rescue him, also Vladimir hardly has not sunk . Polotsk have gone to Kiev; At village ZHelan, on July, 23rd, they again have severely beaten Russian, have gone on villages and smoke and to take away inhabitants in a captivity. In 1094 army polotsk has moved with Oleg Svjatoslavich on Vladimir who has not finished business to bloodshed and has left from Chernigov to Pereyaslavl. From now on Vladimir becomes the irreconcilable enemy polotsk.

In 1094 to Vladimir send for the conclusion of the world two  prince of polotsk, Itdar and Kitan. Vladimir has given To the mortgage of fidelity to the last - himself son Svjatoslav. At this time to Vladimir has come Slavjatavfrom Kiev from Svjatopolk  and began to advise prince to kill Itlar; Vladimir all over again changed. Was necessary to steal Svjatoslav; Slavjata has undertaken it. He has got at night in Kitan's palace  and not only has safely released Svjatoslav, but also has killed Kitan and his people. Following then Itlar have called for a breakfast to Vladimir and when it was, he and all polotsk have shot down. From polotsk it was necessary to expect revenge. Svjatopolk and Vladimir called Oleg Svjatoslavich to themselves to go on polotsk. Oleg to whom polotsk could be useful in its collisions with dukes, has refused. « Let the God will judge us », - have told dukes, have gone on Oleg, have expelled him from Chernigov, have besieged to Starodub and held in besieg until he did not promise to arrive to Kiev on advice about defense of Russian ground (1096).

Meanwhile into the Kiev area have rushed polotsk: khan of Bonjak with the horde burned down vicinities Kiev, and Tugorkan has besieged Pereyaslavl. Vladimir and Svjatopolk have beaten polotsk Tugorkan; Tugorkan was killed in fight. But Bonjak has going into Pechersky a monastery and has made there a terrible devastation. Oleg was not to Kiev; he has gone to Smolensk, and from here to Moorom. Here, in fight with him, Izjaslav, the son of Monomah,  has fallen. Other son of Monomah, Mstislav Novgorod, helped the brother and got the top of to Oleg, advised the last to address to dukes, because  they will not deprive with its Russian ground. Oleg and has made. A monument of these relations there was a letter the Monomah to Oleg.

In 1097 at congress in Loobech have gathered dukes: Svjatopolk, the Monomove, are Svytoslavich: Oleg, David and Jaroslav, prince the Volynsk David Igorevich, dukes  Volodar" Rostislavich and Vasilko Rostislavich. A subject of meeting were measures what need to be accepted for protection of Russian ground from polotsk. Soul of this advice was the Monomah. It has been decided to leave interstine enmity, to everyone to own the volosts and all to pursue infringers of decisions of congress.

But had not time dukes to part on the volosts as the evil deed which has been not heard until then in Russia was made: David of Volynsk has slandered before grand duke of Vasilko, as if together with Vladimir умышлявшего for a life of Svjatopolk, and Vasilko was ослеплен. Vladimir was horrified, when the message about it has reached him. He has called for himself on meeting Oleg and David of Chernigov, advised to correct for business, having eradicated angrily in the beginning; otherwise will begin, he spoke, to kill the brother of the brother, and the ground Russian will be lost: it will take polotsk. Svjatopolk was justified, referring to David, as on the originator of evil deed; but dukes understood, that grand duke is guilty as much, as well as David, and have gone on Svjatopolk. Last in fear wished to run, but inhabitants Kiev have not started up him, advising to enter with Vladimir in negotiations. Vladimir has tended to the world when David promised to punish Svjatopolk. Last has called to the aid of Bonjak. Thus desire the Monomah to rally princes against polotsk it was not executed.

Per 1100 David Igorevich was gave on princely court. Congress of princes to Uvetichah (Vitichev) has declared to David, that for its evil deed of prince do not wish to give it the Vladimir table, but he leave on freedom - let sits to Buzhsk and the Ostrog. Svjatopolk gives to it Dubeja and CHartorizhsk, Vladimir gives 200 gold coins, yes as much Oleg Svytoslavich and David Svytoslavich. After Vitichev of congress Vladimir has left for the Rostov area, and Svjatopolk and are Svytoslavich have demanded, that Volodar has taken the Cornflower from Terebovl to itself. Vladimir did not wish to support so unfair business, but did not contradict dukes because did not wish civil war.

 In 1103 polotsk have broken the world. Vladimir and Svjatopolk with the army have gathered in Dolobsk and have invited in a campaign and a Svjatoslavich. David has accepted the offer, and Oleg say has sick, send and still the some people dukes; Polotsk prince David Vseslavich has come with the army. On the natural boundary named by Suten, князья have met polovtsi and have crushed them (on April, 4th). Here has laid down up to 20 polotsk princes, and one, Beldjuz, he is taken in a captivity and was killed under the order the Monomah . Per 1107 polotsk have gone to Russia, but Vladimir, together with others dukes, has crushed them under Lubny. In 1111 dukes - Vladimir with children, Svjatopolk, Jaroslav, David - have made a brilliant campaign at Don two times and , at inflow of Degeja and at r. Salnitsa, have severely broken polotsk.

In 1113 of Svjatopolk has died, and on veche have chosen the prince Vladimir and called him to themselves. The Monomah hesitated arrival. They again asked to hasten Vladimir, exposing on a kind, that otherwise people will plunder the widow of Svjatopolk, boyars and monasteries. Then Vladimir has sat down on the Kiev table, as the elect of the Kiev ground, besides the senior from princes, Oleg Chernigovsky. Time of authorities Vladimir was the most blossoming in history of the Kiev Russia. Polotsk met amicable repulse; specific князья have reconciled, and rebellious it was necessary to feel on itself a strong hand of grand duke. So, soon after reception of authority Vladimir to Kiev, polotsk going in Pereyaslavl area, but ran, as soon as have heard, that on them grand duke with sons, nephews and Oleg Svjatoslavich are go; and in 1116 Gleb Vseslavich of Minsk, for disobedience to grand duke, has been besieged Vladimir in Minsk and compelled to beg about the world. When, soon after that, Gleb has attacked Smolensk, Vladimir has deduced him from Minsk to Kiev, as the captive,  where he and has died in the conclusion.

Per 1116, on affairs of the son-in-law of the, Greek tsarevitch Leon of Dgogenovich, and the grandson, Vasilko Leonovich, Vladimir sent the military leader of Jan of Vyshatich on the Danube cities of emperor Alexey Komaen; but in 1122 Vladimir will reconcile to successor Alexey, John, and even has given out for it the grand daughter, the daughter of Mstislav. Sons  of Vladimir successfully were at war with foreigners: JAropolk - with polotsk, Mstislav Novgorod - from chud, Jury Suzdal - with Bulgarian. Vladimir-Volynsk prince Jaroslav Svjatopolkovich badly lived with the wife of Mstislavna, the grand daughter of the Monomah, and  has armed against himself  Vladimir,  from whom has been compelled to run to Hungary (1118) . Vladimir has given destiny to his son the Novel, and on death of the last - to other son, Andrey whom per 1120 sent on the poles, helped Jaroslav at attempt to return its destiny.
Vladimir is known in history and as the legislator.

Time of the Monomah was time of the first blossoming of art and literary activity. In Kiev and other cities churches were under construction and were decorated with painting; the Monomah has constructed some churches and, by the way, on the Alto where Boris has been killed. Vladimir concerns to time drawing up, on the Byzantian samples, lives of the people, become famous sanctity of a life as Antonii and Feodosy Pechora, st. Olga, ravnoapostolnyj Vladimir, Boris and Gleb and so forth Hegumen Daniel has made the description of the travel to Jerusalem; at last, Vladimir has written « Lecture to the children », a remarkable literary monument of that time.

Vladimir is named the Monomove on business from mother whom our annals name « the Greek tsarevna », "grekiny" and "monomahiny", and some news not annalistic character directly call Anna, the daughter of emperor Konstantin Monomah. There is also other explanation of the name Vladimir Monomah. Not subtly, that such large, remarkable person caused national imagination on drawing up of similar legends

People could not bypass it and in the poetic products: between bylinas there is a bylina about boyar of Stavr whom Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko has planted in a cellar. In the Novgorod annals under 1118 we find news on which Vladimir Monomah has called from Novgorod for robberies and has has put into a cellar of Stavr, with several boyars, its friends. The legend as if the Byzantian emperor has sent Vladimir signs on imperial advantage, a wreath and "barmy", with metropolit  Neophyte, who crowned him on an empire ; subsequently the Moscow sovereigns got  a wreath which have named a cap of the Monomove. Vladimir has died on May, 19th, 1125  at the darling for him church, on the river the Alto and is buried to the Kiev-Sofia cathedral.

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