History of Russia
Heads of the state![](http://ruhistory.narod.ru/history/tsar/Igor.jpg)
Igor Rjurikovich -the prince of Kiev.
Has started to reign in 912 on Oleg's death which was boss behind his early childhood. At the beginning Igor had to pacify revolt of different slavic tribes and to establish (914) attitudes with pechenegs, for the first time then appeared in Russian steppes. Pechenegs, having concluded the union with Igor, five years did not disturb Russia: at least Nestor speaks about the first valid war with them in 920 year. Trading and cultural interests concentrated attention the policy of Igor on Byzantium.
Igor's first campaign to Byzantium concerns to 941 This Prince, similarly to Oleg, wished to glorify him the old age, is alive till that time friendly with Empire: for in 935 the ships and his soldiers went with the Greek fleet to Italy. If to trust the author of the annals Igor from 10000 courts has entered into Black (Russian) sea. Bulgaria then allies of Emperor, have notified it ; but Igor was in time, having stuck to coast to devastate vicinities. The novel of Lakapin, the soldier well-known, but Sovereign weak, has sent at last the Byzantian fleet under command of Feofan Protovestiarija. Igor's ships stood on anchors near a beacon, ready to battle. Igor was so confident a victory that ordered to spare to the soldiers enemies and to take their alive in a captivity; but the success mismatched its expectation. The Russians horrified and the disorder by so-called fire to Greek, which Feofan has burnt their many vessels, have left to coast of Asia Minor.
There Greeks elite infantry, a cavalry, a skilled army have attacked crowds of Russians, and have forced them to run on vessels. Igor was rescueed only with 10 courts. Russian with a great loss have come back in fatherland. Other Historians speak about Igor's this unfortunate campaign not only Byzantian, but also: the Arabian historian, being the Ambassador in Tsargrad (Konstantinopol), own eyes saw killed of many soldiers of Igor taken then in a captivity by Greeks: barbarity awful!
Igor is not sad, but wished to revenge Greeks; has collected other numerous army, has called Varyags because of the sea, has employed pechenegs - which distances to it amanats (the high-ranking hostages) in the proof of the fidelity - and in two years has again gone to Greece with fleet and about a cavalry. Kherson and Bulgaria have again let know to Emperor, that the sea has become covered by the ships Russian. Lakapin who has been not assured of a victory and wishing to rescue Empire from new disasters of war with the enemy desperate, has immediately sent ambassadors to Igor. Having met him near the Danube, byzantines have offered him a tribute what is no time brave Oleg from Greece has taken; promised and more if Prince will reasonably agree on the world; tried to disarm also rich gifts loving gold pechenegs. Igor has stopped and, having called the team, has declared to it desire of Greeks. " When Tsar, - true comrades of Prince Russian replied, - without war gives us silver and gold that more we can demand? Whether it is known, who will overcome? Whether we? Whether they? Under us not the ground, and depth sea: in it the general death to people ". Igor has accepted their advice, has taken gifts from Greeks on all soldiers, ordered hired pechenegs to ruin the next Bulgaria and has come back to Kiev.
Next year [944] Lakapin Prince Russian to Tsargrad where the solemn world has been concluded by them has sent Ambassadors to Igor, and oath having approved the union, Emperor has sent new Ambassadors in Kiev to hand over to Prince to Russian a charter of the world. Igor at their presence on a sacred hill where there was Perun, has solemnly undertaken to store friendship with Empire; his soldiers also, as a token of an oath believing to legs of an idol the weapon, boards and gold. A ceremony memorable: the weapon and gold of all was better and is more precious for Russian pagans. Christians of varyags swore in st. Ilya's Cathedral church, maybe, to the most ancient in Kiev. The author of the annals speaks, that many varyags were then already Christians. Igor, having presented Ambassadors Greek furs precious, wax and captives, has released them to Emperor with friendly assurances.
Except for the tribes lived on both party of the top and average Dnepr, possession of Russia at Igor extended, apparently, on a southeast up to Caucasus and Taurian mountains, on what clause of the contract 945 specifies, obliged Igor to not suppose attacks black Bulgaria (or Bulgaria, lived on the bottom Kuban and in east part of Crimea) to Korsun and other Greek cities in Taurida. In the north of possession of Igor reached coast of Volkhov.
He really wanted the world for the old age; but love to gold at himself own army has not allowed him to enjoy calmness. Ancient Sovereigns any year in November sent with an army from Kiev for a detour of the cities and came back in capital in April. The purpose of these travel was also to strengthen the general state communication between different areas or to contain people and officials depending on Grand dukes. Igor, having a rest in an old age, instead of itself sent, apparently, grandees and boyars, especially Sveneld, the well-known commander who, collecting the state tribute, could to be enriched itself also together with the Adolescents, or perfect young soldiers, his surrounded. They were envied Igor's with team, and Prince, at approach of autumn, has granted them desire; has gone to the ground Drevljan and, having forgotten, that the moderation is virtue of authority, has burdened with their burdensome tax. His army - using, maybe, weakness of prince aged - too wanted riches and plundered unfortunate inhabitants, pacified only the victorious weapon. Already Igor has left their area; but the destiny has defined to him to be lost from the imprudence. Still dissatisfied with the tribute taken by him, he has taken in head to release an army to Kiev and with a part of the army to come back to drevlyans to demand a new tribute. Ambassadors them have met him on a way and have told to him: " Prince! All of us have paid to you: for what again you go to us? " Blind from love to gold, Igor went further. Then desperate drevlyans, seeing - according to the author of the annals - that it is necessary to destroy the predatory wolf, or all herd will be its victim, have armed under command of the Prince, a name of Mal; send from Korosten, have killed Igor with всею an army and have buried nearby therefrom. The Byzantian Historian narrates, that they, having adhered this unfortunate Prince to two trees, have broken off in two.
Igor's death carries the annals to 945
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